Human Resource Management 11/e強檔特價網友評鑑4顆星買過的朋友都說物超所值 博客來商業理財-專業管理實務分類促銷商品想了解更多[Human Resource Management 11/e]的介紹請點擊左邊圖片 點圖即可看詳細介紹 |
For undergraduate courses in Human Resources Management.
There is no greater asset to a company than its employees. Learn how to maximize a firm’s potential through identifying and keeping your ideal workforce.
The eleventh edition seeks to introduce students to the world of human resource management. Today’s human resource professionals are not focused solely on administrative tasks. Rather, they work in all levels of the organization, and are aligned with the strategic goals of the firm. The eleventh edition of Human Resource Management reveals this strategic function in a practical, realistic manner yet maintains a balance of pragmatism and theoretical concepts.
This edition has been updated to reflect the most recent research and technology. New developments in the field of human resources are discussed through HRM in Action, and the text has been updated to include the latest trends in today’s offices.
R. Wayne Mondy