Matrix 2003國際版強檔特價網友評鑑4顆星最近好多網友都在問哪裡買 博客來商業理財-管理與領導分類超值好書想看更多[Matrix 2003國際版]的詳細說明嗎 點圖即可看詳細介紹 |
本書詳述Darrell Mann等人所發展出最新且更強大的Matrix 2003係是對於Altshuller之原矛盾矩陣所作的改良。
Darrell Mann
Managing Director, Ideal Final Result Consultants & Systematic Innovation Ltd
.1997 -2002 Industrial Fellow, University of Bath
.1986-1987 MSc Gas Turbine Technology, Cranfield Institute Of Technology
.1981-1984 BSc Hons First Class, Mechanical Engineering ,The University Of Nottingham
.Founding President of the European TRIZ Association (歐洲TRIZ學會創會 會長)
.Founder of innovation consultancy company(1996)
.Director of IFR Software Systems Sdn Bhd, 40-person India/Malaysia-based organization
.15 years(1980 – 1996) working at Rolls-Royce plc, Leavesden, Watford in various long-term R&D related positions、and ultimately becoming responsible for the company’s long term future engine strategy.
.Recognized world expert in field of systematic innovation methods.
.Teaching TRIZ and related methods to both technical and business audiences since 1998. Has given workshops to over 3,500 delegates from about 100 companies in 20 countries across a broad spectrum of industries and disciplines.
.Over 400 patents, patent applications and academic and popular journal papers on systematic innovation. 迄今輔導24個以上國家近百家公司,為當前萃思系統性創新領域實務經驗豐富且最有實務解題成效之學者。
.Best paper award – European Association of Creativity & Innovation, Enschede, 2002.
.Innovative Teaching Award – University of Bath
.DTI SMART Award – Semantic Processor, 2001
.DTI SMART Award – Ultra-Low Water Consumption Toilet, 1998
.Royal Aeronautical Society, Sir Roy Fedden Award, 1991
.Rolls-Royce Apprentice Award For Academic Achievement, 1986
.The Collier Prize For Mathematics, 1980 .The Metal Box Engineering Award, 1980
(9 Books & 超過 80 篇期刊論文 in TRIZ area can be found at www.triz-journal.com)
.The Innovation Blueprint (2007); Hands-On Systematic Innovation – Case Studies (2006); More Natural Innovation (2007); Systematic Software Innovation (2008); Hands-On Systematic Innovation For Business And Management (2007); Matrix 2003: Updating The TRIZ Contradiction Matrix (2003); TRIZ Companion (2002); Hands-On Systematic Innovation (2007)